Monday, May 20, 2024
Cold starting your dabs is one of the best ways to get the most out of your favorite concentrates. By cold starting your dabs, you can avoid scorching your terpenes away, burning your concentrates, or chazzing your banger. But...
It’s happened to all of us at least once — you begin heating up your nectar collector or banger with your butane torch and then suddenly the flame fizzles out as you run out of butane. There’s nothing worse...
Drastic times call for drastic measures. If you’ve found yourself without a dab rig or other crucial accessories after an accidental break and can’t rush out to replace it with a new one, this guide is for you. Read...
If you’ve never used a honey bucket before, they’re a little different than everything else! A honey bucket dab nail isn’t quite a banger and it isn’t quite a nail, but its 100% quartz with a design that makes...
If you love weed, you definitely owe it to yourself to try edibles at some point. They are great for getting your dose without having to subject your lungs to harsh smoke, and the effects can be remarkably powerful...
On the hunt for the next best thing for your glass collection? You can’t go wrong with Terp Tubes. Here are the top 5 Terp Tubes waterpipes, perfect for every occasion. What is Terp Tube?  Terp Tube is a brand that...
If you’re ready to try your hand at growing your own weed, you’ll want to start by understanding how to get them to grow from seed. In order to trigger that process, you need to germinate the seeds. Here’s...
Are you an avid reader with a relentless love for the herb? Check out these top 6 best books about weed and add them to your kindle or physical library to be the most sophisticated stoner out there. Books...
If you’re looking to start your own grow from seed, the first thing you’re going to want to check out is a reputable seedbank. But what are they? Are seedbanks legal? And how do you separate the good stuff...
Nobody likes a chazzed banger. They look and taste terrible, but they also don’t hold heat properly so you’re at risk of wasting entire dabs with too much heating or cooling. Luckily, there several different ways to protect your...