Thursday, May 9, 2024
More than half a dozen medical marijuana states take part in a reciprocity program that allows for out-of-state licenses to be accepted within their borders. Arkansas, Hawaii, Michigan, Missouri, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Arizona, D.C., and...
The biggest hurdle involved with dabbing boils down to getting the perfect temperature for your concentrates. Hot dabs are insanely unpleasant, while cold dabs won’t even get you high. But even when you have the perfect technique down, it’s...
Ever wonder what makes your water pipe bubble when you pull from it? They’re called percolators — and they do a whole lot more for your overall smoking experience than just look cool. Here’s everything you need to know...
Cannabis regulation across the United States remains a patchwork of legislation. Even if it were Federally legalized, states retain the right to regulate and tax such things as they see fit. However, marijuana isn’t Federally legal. So anyone needing...
Looking to get into growing your own weed? There are a lot of different things to consider, but the most important thing at the end of the day boils down to the strains you choose to include in your...
Isn’t technology great? Today you can summon a car, food, weed, or just about anything with your index finger. Tech has played an important role in the cultivation of cannabis, too. Just as with regular farming, growing...
“Want to smoke a bowl?” is up there on the list of best things to ask a stoner friend, family member or significant other. Sure, you can roll up a jay or rip a bong—but there’s something ceremonial about...
Smoking marijuana can be as simple – or as complicated – as you want to make it. In fact, some users have been known to light up with nothing more than a strategically bent soda can with a few...
Aging populations around the world are getting older as life expectancy has grown in the last 50 years. Although that curve has flattened somewhat, senior citizens are increasingly looking at ways to enhance their lives as they age. It’s...
One of the good friends of Stoner Things is Chef Herb, AKA The Marijuana Chef. With Thanksgiving coming up we checked in with him to see if there were any amazing pot recipes to make turkeyday a HIGH holiday....