Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Keeping your weed fresh is pretty crucial. Honestly, with the quality and price of cannabis today, sandwich bags just aren’t cutting it anymore. So, what’s the best way to store weed? We’re breaking down everything you need to know...
There are countless ways to use marijuana: smoking from a bowl, toking from a bong, vaping with a pen. The list goes on and on. Some methods, however, are easier than others. A water pipe is pure simplicity – until...
For new or aspiring home growers and hobbyists, learning all the different nuances of cultivating weed can feel like an uphill battle. Simply put, a lot can go wrong! If you’re new to everything, there’s a good chance you...
Smoking aids and devices come and go, but there will always be a place for cigars in the cannabis world. Many diehard marijuana smokers who eschew tobacco products on general principle wouldn’t think twice about popping into a neighborhood...
“Want to smoke a bowl?” is up there on the list of best things to ask a stoner friend, family member or significant other. Sure, you can roll up a jay or rip a bong—but there’s something ceremonial about...
Wondering what method of smoking weed gets you highest? You’re in the right place. Below we’re covering everything you need to know about the different cannabis consumption methods and which ones will make you feel the highest, last the...
Are you even a real stoner if you’ve never made pot brownies? The OG of edibles has been a staple in stoner culture for decades, and it's pretty simple to make. If you’re timid in the kitchen we’re here...
We all want our weed to be in prime condition. Let’s face it— dry weed is bunk, and nobody wants to smoke that. But don’t worry if you’ve got a bag lying around somewhere that you completely...
Making edibles at home is easier than you might think. If you’re just starting out in the kitchen, cannabutter (cannabis-infused butter) is the perfect introduction. It’s simple to make, doesn’t call for tons of ingredients, and can be easily...
Ever hear of a Temple Ball? They’ve been around since, well, pretty much forever. That’s because they need no special tools or procedures to create. They’re just made from fresh, dry buds and you use your hands to roll...