If you live in New York and you’re looking for a quick and easy way to get your medical card, you’re in luck! OnlineMedicalCard.com just expanded their business into New York.
While you may have heard of OnlineMedicalCard.com in other...
The cannabis plant is super versatile. You can smoke it, make food with it, extract and make concentrates with it . . . and you can also use it topically. If you’ve been to any stores that sell topicals...
If you’ve been using cannabis for a while, you’re likely familiar with the most prominent cannabinoids in cannabis: THC and CBD. But did you know that cannabis contains over 100 other minor cannabinoids that all promote different effects within...
If you’re like many cannabis users in the workforce, odds are you’re worried about those pesky drug screenings brought on by your employer. Most cannabis products, including hemp products and CBD, can trigger positives on the tests and cause...
Bloodshot eyes can be a real buzz-kill. Even worse, it can propel you into an anxiety attack if you’re high at an inopportune time and “everyone knows it”. This is thanks, in part, to the mainstream media portrayal of...
Blood donations are one of the easiest ways to give back to the community, and since the emergence of COVID-19 the need for healthy blood donors is higher than ever. However, as cannabis use becomes more widespread lots of...
As legalization makes its way across the world, cannabis is becoming a fascinating obsession. Researchers have been working tirelessly to unravel its many medical applications and have found what makes cannabis so effective within our bodies: cannabinoids and our...
You might have heard the phrase “weed tolerance break” when someone is hitting the pause button on their cannabis intake. There may be a number of reasons for this, but the general idea is pretty simple: Taking a break...
New to cannabis? One of the most common questions you probably have has to do with understanding what you’re getting yourself into and how long you’ll have to wait before getting behind the wheel.
In the past, it’s been hard...
Searching for cannabis-related wellness information on the web, you can find a wide array of health benefits and cautions. So what’s the real story? Cannabis has flipped the script on the “narcotic” connotation and moved into a therapeutic realm....