Thursday, May 9, 2024
Dab rigs, AKA dab bongs or oil rigs, are water pipes designed to be used with concentrates instead of flower. They’re similar to a standard flower bong, though they tend to be much smaller and are usually more simple...
Let’s be real, holiday shopping can be kind of annoying. It feels good to give an amazing gift, to see someone super stoked on your thoughtfulness—but, thoughtfulness doesn’t always come easy. You have to really consider the person’s interests...
Okay, so you’ve got a beautiful harvest — now what are you gonna do with it? After you cut those babies down, your next step is to dry and cure the flowers. These processes help to boost...
Looking to try your hand at the art of making edibles? Every recipe pretty much starts with infusing cannabis into butter or cooking oil. But once you have that step out of the way, you can infuse weed to...
Ever wonder what makes your water pipe bubble when you pull from it? They’re called percolators — and they do a whole lot more for your overall smoking experience than just look cool. Here’s everything you need to know...
If you vape, you might be wondering what you can do with the leftover weed in your vaporizer after the deed is done. Turns out, there’s a term for that — it’s your already vaped bud, or AVB for...
Eating weed raw won’t get you high, but you still might experience a few potential benefits. Here’s everything you need to know about how to eat weed the right way. Does raw weed get you high?  In short, no. Raw cannabis...
We’ve all been there once or twice. After a long day, you get nice and comfy on the couch and prepare yourself for a nice mellow evening. You might even go so far as to go through all the...
Headed to a dispensary for the first time and not sure what to expect? Below we’re covering everything you need to know before your first time at a dispensary, including what to expect, how things work and...
If you’re in a pinch and have a bit of leftover weed, you can use this handy guide to learn how to make shatter or turn it into rosin. This complete guide will teach you everything you need to...