Thursday, May 9, 2024
If you’re interested in starting your own cannabis garden, you’re probably wondering where to begin. The most important thing to consider before you buy seeds or make any purchases is what you want your garden (and your overall experience)...
Growing cannabis can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it's important to know how to properly identify the sex of your plants. Sexing marijuana plants is crucial to ensure a successful harvest and maximize your yields. In this...
Don’t let the sci-fi name reference intimidate you; cloning cannabis might seem intimidating, but it really isn’t. With a healthy plant to clone from, clean equipment, and patience, you can copy your favorite plant over and over again. Interested?...
If you’re ready to try your hand at growing your own weed, you’ll want to start by understanding how to get them to grow from seed. In order to trigger that process, you need to germinate the seeds. Here’s...
Now that cannabis is legal in most states, many excited medical patients and recreational users alike are eager to try their hands at cultivating their own cannabis gardens. In the long run, cultivating your own flower can save you...
Craft cannabis is a lot like craft beer. Craft beer is artisanal beer made in small batches by small breweries with a higher attention to detail and more freedom to experiment with different brewing methods and flavors. But what...
If you’re looking to start your own grow from seed, the first thing you’re going to want to check out is a reputable seedbank. But what are they? Are seedbanks legal? And how do you separate the good stuff...
Cannabis can be found all over the world and each piece of it can be used in a ton of different ways, from biofuels to paper. Each part of the plant serves a purpose, and being familiar with them...
There’s a longtime practice among cannabis growers to “flush” nutrients before harvest to improve taste. Why? The thinking has been that any leftover fertilizer would alter the taste or even the burnability of the plants. Burnability? Yep, growers say...
Okay, so you’ve got a beautiful harvest — now what are you gonna do with it? After you cut those babies down, your next step is to dry and cure the flowers. These processes help to boost...