Sunday, May 19, 2024
Contrary to popular belief, there’s a lot more to shake than meets the eye. Shake weed is a great way to enjoy pre-rolls, edibles and bowls. And no — it’s no less quality than the weed you buy at...
The gardening boom ala’ COVID-19 has extended to the world of weed. Coronavirus ‘Victory Gardens’ have officially become a thing. Twitter is twittering with posts like, ‘Smoke your own victory garden’ and #cannabistoo popping up in COVID-19 related news. Much...
Don’t let the sci-fi name reference intimidate you; cloning cannabis might seem intimidating, but it really isn’t. With a healthy plant to clone from, clean equipment, and patience, you can copy your favorite plant over and over again. Interested?...
Cannabis can be found all over the world and each piece of it can be used in a ton of different ways, from biofuels to paper. Each part of the plant serves a purpose, and being familiar with them...
Craft cannabis is a lot like craft beer. Craft beer is artisanal beer made in small batches by small breweries with a higher attention to detail and more freedom to experiment with different brewing methods and flavors. But what...
There’s a longtime practice among cannabis growers to “flush” nutrients before harvest to improve taste. Why? The thinking has been that any leftover fertilizer would alter the taste or even the burnability of the plants. Burnability? Yep, growers say...
If you’re looking to start your own grow from seed, the first thing you’re going to want to check out is a reputable seedbank. But what are they? Are seedbanks legal? And how do you separate the good stuff...
For new or aspiring home growers and hobbyists, learning all the different nuances of cultivating weed can feel like an uphill battle. Simply put, a lot can go wrong! If you’re new to everything, there’s a good chance you...
If you’re ready to try your hand at growing your own weed, you’ll want to start by understanding how to get them to grow from seed. In order to trigger that process, you need to germinate the seeds. Here’s...
Most people are familiar with molasses as a component in a dessert; molasses cookies, for example. But did you know that you can also use molasses for cannabis plants? It’s true. There are four grades of molasses, and some...