If you vape, you might be wondering what you can do with the leftover weed in your vaporizer after the deed is done. Turns out, there’s a term for that — it’s your already vaped bud, or AVB for short. Read on to learn more about what ‘already vaped bud’ is and what you can do with it.
What is AVB weed?
AVB weed, or better known as “already vaped bud”, is the crispy brown stuff left over in your vaporizer after you vape it. While most of the THC is vaporized out of it, it doesn’t turn to ash entirely, so it still has some of those valuable cannabinoids available. With that said— yes. You can reuse your AVB if you know the tech.
What to do with AVB
Before you even consider reusing your leftover AVB bud, it’s important to remember that not all of it is considered equal. If you were vaping shwag, you’re not gonna have a lot leftover. On the other hand, those primo top shelf flowers may have a lot more to offer you even after they’re all brown and crispy.
It’s also worth mentioning that temperature matters. If you use your vape at a super high temperature, there’s a good chance there’s nothing left of your AVB anyway. However, if you vaporize your weed between 315-440°F, you’ll still have quite a lot of good stuff leftover.
With those two factors in mind, you can choose what to do with your AVB. Below, we’ve broken down some great ways to recycle those leftovers instead of ditching them in your compost pile.
How to use AVB
The easiest way to use AVB is to sprinkle it onto foods since it’s already decarbed and ready to eat. But if eating crunchy weed pieces alongside your favorite snacks isn’t really your jam, have no fear. Below are a few great tried and true ways to reuse the weed leftover in your vaporizer.
1. Water Cure AVB
AVB can be used in edibles, but sometimes that already burned taste can be super gross. Water curing is time consuming, but it makes it possible to salvage your weed so you can use it for other things. In order to water cure your AVB, you’ll want to wait until you have at least a half ounce of it.
From there, take a cheesecloth and wrap your weed up like a teabag and tie it up with some string. Then soak it in some water for about four days, changing the water every time it starts getting discolored. You can keep steeping it for up to a week, but after about 5 days it runs the risk of growing mold which you definitely don’t want to deal with.
It can be a tedious process, but once the time is up or you’re not having to change the water as frequently, wring that baggy out and then spread your weed on a cookie sheet. You can bake it in the oven for about two hours as long as you give it a flip every 30 minutes or so to make sure it dries evenly. After that, you can use this weed to make AVB cannabutter or other delicious edibles.
2. Make AVB Edibles
Whether or not you choose to skip water curing your AVB, you can use your AVB to make edibles. This is a great choice since it masks the flavor and allows you to get the most out of your leftover cannabinoids. To make AVB edibles, it, you’ll use it like any other flower for homemade edibles. The difference is that AVB is already ready to use, so you can skip the tedious step of decarboxylating it. All you have to do is add it directly to whatever recipe you’d like. However, it helps to infuse it to a carrier oil first. AVB coconut oil makes for a nice versatile cooking oil that you can use with all of your favorite recipes. You can also go with the classic route and make AVB butter, which may be even more versatile than coconut oil.
3. Make AVB Coffee or Tea
Since AVB is already decarbed, you can just toss it into your favorite beverages. To make AVB coffee, you’ll just add the AVB to your coffee grounds before you brew your coffee. Then to mask the flavor, you can use a strong coffee creamer.
If you want to make already vaped bud tea, you’ll add the AVB to your tea leaves and let it steep. It helps to choose a tea that has a really strong flavor and add honey or other sweeteners since that AVB flavor is no joke. You might also want to throw in some butter or cream to help give those leftover cannabinoids something to bind to.
4. Make an AVB Tincture
Making AVB tinctures is pretty time consuming and requires a lot of patience since you’re working with AVB and not fresh bud. To make them, you’ll take your AVB and cook it on the lowest setting with a carrier oil of your choice, such as olive oil, coconut oil, MCT oil, or hemp seed oil. The residual cannabinoids will bind to the oil and you can bottle it up into a tincture bottle and enjoy. Tinctures make for a super easy way to add cannabinoids into foods and beverages, but they can also be enjoyed sublingually.
4. Make AVB Capsules
Capsules are great for avoiding that nasty hashy flavor known from AVB. Since you don’t have to decarb it, you can simply grind it up and press it into capsules with a pill press. This might be the best method for using your AVB since its flavorless, offers a consistent dose, and is extremely discreet. You just pop one into your mouth and go about your day. The only downside is that like edibles they take longer to kick in. They actually take even longer than edibles since you have to digest the capsule before you can begin processing the AVB itself.
At the end of the day, your AVB is still valuable, and there’s so much you can do with it! Try some of the methods above if you want to get your money’s worth out of your weed — even after you vape it.