Monday, May 20, 2024
Getting into the world of dab tech can be a bit of a challenge. With new technologies, equipment types, and an ever-growing list of cannabis concentrates being changed or released every day it can be a bit...
Drastic times call for drastic measures. If you’ve found yourself without a dab rig or other crucial accessories after an accidental break and can’t rush out to replace it with a new one, this guide is for you. Read...
The cannabis industry is always working towards revolutionizing and simplifying the way we use cannabis products. One of the newest technologies to hit the scene is the introduction of DabTabs, which come in hundreds of different consistencies and strains...
CO2 oil is considered by many to be a cleaner, more flavorful cannabis concentrate. But what exactly is it? Here’s everything you need to know about CO2 oils, including how CO2 weed oil is made and how you can...
If you’ve never used a honey bucket before, they’re a little different than everything else! A honey bucket dab nail isn’t quite a banger and it isn’t quite a nail, but its 100% quartz with a design that makes...
Everyone knows how to use weed, right? You smoke it. Or you vape it. Or you eat it. But there are other ways to apply the world's second-favorite intoxicant. Topicals, for example. And if you really want to try something...
On the hunt for the next best thing for your glass collection? You can’t go wrong with Terp Tubes. Here are the top 5 Terp Tubes waterpipes, perfect for every occasion. What is Terp Tube?  Terp Tube is a brand that...
Cannagars are the ultimate 420 party favor because they burn practically forever and feature a ton of goodies that can amplify your high. They’re also great for cannabis connoisseurs because unlike blunts, they’re not rolled in tobacco leaves that...
Why waste time, energy and most importantly, money trying to put together a Frankenstein rig setup when you can just opt for a complete kit? Below we’re reviewing our top three picks for high-quality, all-in-one dab rig kits from...
Welcome to the fascinating world of cannabis, where a diverse range of compounds interacts with our bodies in unique ways. Among these compounds, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and THCA (tetrahydrocannabinolic acid) take center stage. In this article, we'll take you on...