Sunday, May 19, 2024
One of the good friends of Stoner Things is Chef Herb, AKA The Marijuana Chef. We checked in with him to see if there were any amazing pot recipes for the stoners with a sweet tooth, and he obliged. Don't...
Eating weed raw won’t get you high, but you still might experience a few potential benefits. Here’s everything you need to know about how to eat weed the right way. Does raw weed get you high?  In short, no. Raw cannabis...
Stems are no one's favorite part of the cannabis plant. They're rarely good for much and they're a pain to pick out of your stash. But let's face it, sometimes you need some stem to pad your dwindling sack of...
A few years ago, I was into juicing in a big way. I would turn pounds of fruits and veggies into a brimming cup full of nutritious liquid. While not every fruit/vegetable combo would be super tasty, I will...
There's a thing to be said for cannabis edibles that take too long to take effect. Is there a thing to be said for fast-acting edibles? Most of you know exactly what I'm talking about. Generally speaking, at some point during...
If you catch yourself with a lot of extra wax laying around, you might be wondering what you can do with it — especially if you have too much left over to dab. Luckily, wax is versatile and potent,...
Looking to try your hand at the art of making edibles? Every recipe pretty much starts with infusing cannabis into butter or cooking oil. But once you have that step out of the way, you can infuse weed to...
Most people who smoke marijuana enjoy a bowl of cereal... or two... or three, and what's better than combining these two? Combining crunch, sweetness, and a powerful punch, marijuana Rice Krispie treats can be one of the most enjoyable...
Thinking of putting together a cannabis cookbook? It is hardly any secret that cannabis makes for a superb ingredient for a wide assortment of edibles. Easy to prepare, readily available, and now legal in many states as well, marijuana...
Not everyone enjoys smoking; inhaling chemicals into your lungs isn't exactly the healthiest thing in the world. Alternative ways to get high have been growing in popularity for a while now, fortunately. If smoking isn't your thing then just...