Thursday, May 9, 2024
Nobody likes a chazzed banger. They look and taste terrible, but they also don’t hold heat properly so you’re at risk of wasting entire dabs with too much heating or cooling. Luckily, there several different ways to protect your...
Just like the dryer eats your socks, sometimes dab tools get up and walk away. You don’t always know where they go or if you’ll ever see them again, but they usually find their way back to you after...
Cannagars are the ultimate 420 party favor because they burn practically forever and feature a ton of goodies that can amplify your high. They’re also great for cannabis connoisseurs because unlike blunts, they’re not rolled in tobacco leaves that...
Shatter is one of the most versatile concentrates out there, but how can it be consumed? Below we’re breaking down how to smoke shatter, as well as a couple of ways you can do it if you don’t feel...
Is there a difference between oil, wax and shatter? While they’re all technically the same thing in a different package, here’s a complete breakdown on the difference between oil vs wax vs shatter. What is oil? Cannabis oils are made in...
While cannabis can be enjoyed after a bit of drying and curing, there are obviously many other methods of processing and enhancing the end product. Concentrates are the best example, and in recent years there’s been an explosion of...
Everybody needs a good banger. Regardless of what your rig looks like, your banger can make or break your whole smoke sesh. If you’re on the hunt for a good one, you can breathe easy because we’ve already done...
The biggest hurdle involved with dabbing boils down to getting the perfect temperature for your concentrates. Hot dabs are insanely unpleasant, while cold dabs won’t even get you high. But even when you have the perfect technique down, it’s...
If you’re new to the wonderful world of dabbing, you probably have a few questions about all of the different working parts that help make your dabs less wasteful and more flavorful. One of the most important tools of...
Dabbing can seem like a tedious feat with a steep learning curve at the beginning. Odds are you probably know someone who cooked their titanium nail red hot and hit it immediately without allowing it to come...