Wednesday, May 8, 2024
We hope you're excited for Hallo-Weed! We here at Stoner Things know you're eager to spend 10/31 as green as you can, with plenty of bud and munchies to make it to the witching hour. Hopefully you have the...
Snoop Dogg is many things. He's a rap impresario and a foundational figure in modern hip-hop. He's a not-all-that-terrible actor. He knows how to play his public image to maximum effect. And damn is the dude a pothead. No one...
Music and weed go hand in hand. A pair of headphones, an overflowing bowl, and a few hours worth of The Allman Brothers Band make for a perfect morning, afternoon, or evening. Musicians know this. That's why so many of...
Carl Sagan - The High Astronomer Carl Sagan, the near-celebrity of astronomy and physics, was one of the most brilliant thinkers of the 20th century. Sagan died in 1996, but his work in various science fields and communication are still...
We can’t travel in time, which is particularly annoying when you consider how much cheaper weed used to be. What we can do, however, is wind back the clock on the big screen. Few movie decades captured the rebellious spirit of cannabis as...
Looking for the perfect Christmas gift for the weed fans in your life? Or yourself? There’s more to cannabis culture than the cannabis itself, although there’s no shortage of dab rigs, vaporizers, and endless merchandise from your favorite brands....
If you’ve smoked weed for long enough, you’ve probably noticed that your fellow stoners fall into certain discrete categories. Whether it’s the pothead jock or the stoner nerd, everybody has a type. Here, then, are five of the most annoying...
Weed is great pretty much any time of year. Winter too cold? Warm yourself up with a Zippo and the cherry of a big, fat blunt. Too much pollen in the spring? Clear your sinuses with a few puffs...
We stoners are a superstitious lot. We have our own favorite number, we have lucky pipes, and we have a whole host of mostly unwritten rules about how to behave with weed. So here are five stoner traditions you should know...
The very best comedians have always been more like outlaws than performers. Irreverent, risqué, brutally honest, and at times even dangerous, the finest comedians of all times are ideally suited to the stoner culture where shooting from the hip...