Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Ready to kick the New Year off with a bang? Whether you’re a cannabis aficionado or a cannabis superfan, these five new year’s resolutions for stoners are easy, attainable, and worth a shot if you’re looking to expand your...
Getting into the world of dab tech can be a bit of a challenge. With new technologies, equipment types, and an ever-growing list of cannabis concentrates being changed or released every day it can be a bit...
While academics debate as to what “age” we’re in -- a new Gilded Age, the Age of Reckoning, the Age of Aquarius -- the fact is we remain in the Age of Information simply because it is so readily...
There are so many different ways to smoke weed these days. With so many different consumption methods out there, we’ve decided to outline a full list of the different ways to smoke weed and concentrates as well as which...
One of the many things you can do while high is play video games, and let’s face it, lots of people do. But some games might be better suited to your sesh than others. It’s unlikely that you’d want...
How many documentaries have you seen, total? No, Spinal Tap doesn’t count! There have been a few breakout documentaries over the years, movies like Roger and Me, Super Size Me, Hoop Dreams, and lately Won’t You Be My Neighbor...
Learn the very basics of dabbing in this useful video from the ladies at Yo Dabba Dabba's Dab University below. What is dabbing? Dabbing is the act of vaporizing cannabis concentrates for consumption. The tools used to dab versus those used...
Skip the overpriced costume-in-a-bag and piece together your own stoner Halloween costume this year. A homemade stoner Halloween costume means better quality, more originality, and additional functionality. It’s easy: just do some browsing online for similar identifiable elements. We’re...
College is back in session, college football season has just begun, but which colleges are cool with cannabis? That’s the question The Princeton Review asked. For reasons unknown, the venerable publication, which regularly ranks colleges for all sorts of...
Among stoners, movies are highly regarded both for their entertainment value and also for the wisdom and insight that they sometimes provide. In fact, stoners often have a deep and enduring appreciation for movies that is well beyond that...