Sunday, February 9, 2025

cbd - search results

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CBD scam

Better Business Bureau Warns People to Beware of This Costly CBD Scam

Whenever you find a successful product category, you’re going to find scams. Unfortunately, in our data-porous society, it’s all too easy for scammers to...
cbd reduces alcohol consumption

CBD Use May Be Associated with Reduced Alcohol Intake, Research Reveals

Looking to cut down on the booze? Maybe you need to start smoking CBD-heavy weed. That, at least, is one possible interpretation of a new...
best ways consume cbd

What Are the Best Ways to Consume CBD?

The CBD experience. The best way to consume CBD is the way you prefer it the most. Whether it’s smoking CBD flower, incorporating a...
cbdv cannabidivarin cannabinoid

What Is The CBDV (Cannabidivarin) Cannabinoid and What Effect Does It Have?

Every cannabinoid in marijuana has a unique profile, and each has a different effect on the body’s endocannabinoid system. Some are more effective for...
CBD for Dogs

CBD for Dogs? Cannabis May Help Canines with Arthritis, Study Reveals

Animal testing has long been controversial, not just because of the harm it can do to animals but because the science is questionable. After...
THCP CBDP New Cannabinoids Discovered

THCP and CBDP: Study Leads to Discovery of Two New Cannabinoids

Cannabis is a bit like the deep sea, in that we haven’t quite explored all of it yet, and there are still a lot...
charlotte figi dies

Charlotte Figi, Colorado Girl Who Inspired CBD Movement, Dies Aged 13

Medical cannabis has had many champions over the years, but one never asked to be part of the movement she helped shape: Charlotte Figi....

Study: CBD May Reduce Cravings in People with Heroin Addiction

The cannabis plant has long been used to treat a wide variety of mental and physical ailments, diseases and illnesses. The most...
cbd anxiety

How CBD Works For Treatment Of Anxiety

As long as there have been drug companies there have been “cures” for anxiety. Even before, humans had to cope with anxiety that didn’t...
buying cbd considerations to make

Considerations to Make When Buying CBD

Cannabidiol, aka CBD, is now available across the United States after Congress legalized hemp. This has opened the door to a flood of products...