Thursday, May 2, 2024

sharing - search results

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Should You Bring Up Weed on a First Date?

There's a dilemma most serious stoners face at some point in life. You're on a first date, you're really hitting it off, and then...

Why Does Cannabis Make You Forget?

It can be a jarring experience: There you are, sharing an absolutely thrilling story at a cocktail party, when suddenly you stop mid-sentence and...
share weed

Puff, Puff, Pass: The Best Ways To Share Your Weed

Weed is something that is meant to be shared, and the better the quality is, the more reasons you have for sharing it! Of course,...
Stoner Traditions

5 Old-Timey Stoner Traditions

We stoners are a superstitious lot. We have our own favorite number, we have lucky pipes, and we have a whole host of mostly...

Travel Tips for Potheads

Most potheads run into this dilemma at some point in their lives: Take the weed on the road or leave it behind?  The answer...
10 commandments

The Stoners’ 10 Commandments

Our love of lists is nothing new. Hell, the most successful piece of religious expression in history was a list of dos and don’ts...

Order Pot for Delivery with New App

What do you get when you mix weed and convenience? Perfection. That, at least, is the hope of two Washington college students, who’ve invented an...