Monday, May 20, 2024

cbd - search results

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Best Cannabis Strains for Anxiety

Marijuana is something of a paradox when it comes to anxiety. On the one hand, pot is well-known to cause mild panic and paranoia...

Charlotte’s Web Review

Charlotte's Web is the strain that started it all. Without this life-saving medical treatment, thousands of patients, many children, would lack an effective means...

Is Weed Really Stronger These Days?

It's one of the most popular claims about marijuana, and it's used almost exclusively to scare people from trying it. Cannabis, the story goes,...

Feds Hold a Patent on Medical Marijuana

It's common knowledge the federal government and its law enforcement agencies officially oppose marijuana legalization, which makes it all the more ironic that the...

Scientists Ask: Could Marijuana Treat Skin Cancer?

A team of medical researchers in Australia is developing a therapy for skin cancer that involves a new marijuana-based treatment. The medicine scientists hope to...

New Science Shows Marijuana Reduces Seizures

It has long been known - or at least assumed - within the marijuana community that the drug can dramatically alter the course of...
Uses of Medical Marijuana

Ancient Uses of Medical Marijuana

The list of diseases and health disorders that respond to marijuana as medicine is almost endless. From nausea and pain to glaucoma and epilepsy,...

What Is Sativex?

Medical THC comes in many forms: smoked, vaporized, eaten. But it also comes in prescription form, legal in many countries. It's called Sativex, and...

What Does “Wake and Bake” Mean?

All stoners come across the term "wake and bake" sooner or later in their smoking careers, usually sooner. It evokes various responses, from disgust...
Marijuana studies

The Biggest Marijuana Studies of All Time

Research into the benefits of medical marijuana is a relatively new phenomenon, mostly because almost every country in the world severely restricts what scientists...