One of the hottest topics in legal circles is marijuana. That’s because a patchwork of state laws have been built around legalizing cannabis, while the Federal government drags its heels. Even hemp, which was legalized in the 2018 Farm Bill, offers legal challenges regarding drug testing, police searches, possession, etc. If you live in a state that has passed laws legalizing cannabis, do you know the details? While a website isn’t a substitute for legal counsel should you need one, it’s important to know before you start doing something — like cultivating pot plants in your basement — whether it’s legal or not.
Luckily there’s to keep you informed. It’s a one-stop shop for legal news on cannabis, plus it has state law outlines for each state. There are resources on topics like cultivation, legalization, medical marijuana and more. The site is particularly useful if you’re trying to keep up-to-date on where legalization efforts are working — or stalling. A section showing polling data indicates which states are supportive of legalization measures, while the latest on legal maneuvers keeps you updated on individual states that have, or could, legalize marijuana.

For example, presidential hopeful Senator Kamala Harris has put forth the MORE Act, that would federally decriminalize and tax marijuana. But the news isn’t just legislative, as there are stories about business moves as well. There’s health-related news covering everything from CBD to medical marijuana programs across the country that are just now coming online.
Perhaps best of all, there’s a state-by-state resource with legal information broken down in an easy-to-find format. You could be looking to move to another state or you might just be tracking the progress of legalization, but either way the latest news and legal status for all cannabis products is just a finger tap away.
The site isn’t just about U.S. law, as there’s a section on world news and events as they pertain to cannabis laws. Again, it’s a great way to stay on top of legal changes around the world no matter if you’re just curious or interested in setting up shop elsewhere.
So if you’re looking for the ultimate resource on cannabis law, MarijuanaAndTheLaw should save you a lot of time.