Monday, May 20, 2024
Do changes in marijuana laws make you horny? According to one study, they might. Actually, it’s important to remember that correlation isn’t causation, but that’s not to say there isn’t some connection in there somewhere. In fact,...
During a crisis there is unfortunately the side effect of a lot of bad information. It’s difficult enough to know what’s really going on when experts are also dealing with a new set of variables, and COVID-19...
As CBD (cannabidiol) products have exploded onto markets across the U.S., there’s naturally a heaping amount of skepticism about its legitimate medical uses. CBD products are seemingly everywhere, and now that hemp has been legalized there’s a...
If you’ve ever had too much to drink the night before, you know how miserable a hangover the next day can feel. Alcohol has a demonstrable, measurable effect on the body that includes dehydration in addition to the toxins...
The CBD experience. The best way to consume CBD is the way you prefer it the most. Whether it’s smoking CBD flower, incorporating a CBD tincture or gelcap into your dietary supplement regimen, or including CBD infused flour or...
As long as there have been drug companies there have been “cures” for anxiety. Even before, humans had to cope with anxiety that didn’t involve prescriptions, but more natural methods. Mental health was a bit more holistic, before TV...
There have been numerous medical claims around cannabis. While medical research continues at a brisk pace, there’s still quite a bit we know -- and don’t know -- about the effectiveness of cannabis to treat certain conditions. We know...
Cannabis can have different effects, sure, but are the effects different based on gender? Gender can be a complicated subject, but a recent study looked at the difference in how men and women respond to THC. As one might...
An unfortunate byproduct of America’s War on Drugs is the loss of credibility in some important places. Large medical organizations, like the AMA, weren’t exactly forthcoming in the pro-cannabis front for decades after prohibition landed with a thud. By...
More than half a dozen medical marijuana states take part in a reciprocity program that allows for out-of-state licenses to be accepted within their borders. Arkansas, Hawaii, Michigan, Missouri, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Arizona, D.C., and...