Sunday, May 19, 2024
Tools are just so bothersome, especially when you're using them to smoke dope. Who wants to go scrounging for a paper clip when pipes need scraping, or a butter knife when a bowl needs tamping, or even a flashlight...
Rolling papers are meant to be as invisible as possible, usually. That is, you don’t want to choke on the paper, but the smoke you’re smoking. So it piqued our interest to hear that rapper/entrepreneur Berner has developed ultra-thin,...
Dab tech is constantly changing and expanding to offer a more flavorful and refined dabbing experience for concentrate enthusiasts. The latest in a long line of new and innovative products includes quartz inserts. Quartz inserts are small, bucket-shaped dishes...
If you are looking for the state-of-the-art in grinder technology, Phoenician Engineering's innovative new offering is definitely worth a closer look. Boasting high-quality materials, precision components and impeccable craftsmanship, Phoenician Engineering's new product is grinder perfection exemplified. Despite its emphasis...
In recent years, the world of cannabis culture has expanded far beyond the traditional image of rolled joints and classic smoking accessories. Now, a new trend has emerged, bringing convenience, surprise, and a touch of excitement to enthusiasts and...