Wednesday, May 15, 2024
One of the many things you can do while high is play video games, and let’s face it, lots of people do. But some games might be better suited to your sesh than others. It’s unlikely that you’d want...
How many documentaries have you seen, total? No, Spinal Tap doesn’t count! There have been a few breakout documentaries over the years, movies like Roger and Me, Super Size Me, Hoop Dreams, and lately Won’t You Be My Neighbor...
Learn the very basics of dabbing in this useful video from the ladies at Yo Dabba Dabba's Dab University below. What is dabbing? Dabbing is the act of vaporizing cannabis concentrates for consumption. The tools used to dab versus those used...
Skip the overpriced costume-in-a-bag and piece together your own stoner Halloween costume this year. A homemade stoner Halloween costume means better quality, more originality, and additional functionality. It’s easy: just do some browsing online for similar identifiable elements. We’re...
No one wants to get arrested. Jail sucks, fines suck, the simple inconvenience sucks. Even a low-end bust for marijuana possession can be a decidedly unpleasant experience. But the consequences for many people are much worse than a few days...
The latest news involving the innovative cannabis industry involves the introduction of cannabis-infused spirits, barring the alcohol. Introducing MXXN, pronounced like “moon”. MXXN is a non-alcoholic cannabis-infused spirits brand that recently launched their first line of cannabis spirits. Founded by...
Mint Cannabis dispensary located in the Phoenix area has announced a partnership with nonprofit organization Check for a Lump to raise funds for breast cancer screenings and related support services. The collaboration recently launched their Buds ‘n’ Bras campaign,...
Even with federal legalization on the horizon, the current level of federal cannabis prohibition on THC is still an obstacle for consumers and businesses alike. With the 2018 Farm Bill, hemp-derived cannabinoids were placed in a legal gray area...
If you've used cannabis since the dawn of the recreational era, you’ve probably noticed that cannabis prices have been on the decline for the last decade or so. This year, it seems like cannabis prices are about to hit...
“The best laid schemes of Mice and Men oft go awry, And leave us nothing but grief and pain, For promised joy!” So said Scotland’s most celebrated poet, Robert Burns, in a passage popularized for American audiences by John Steinbeck in his...