Interested in learning more about how cannabis is grown? Get the inside scoop on the many-moving factors that influence the best bud around. From drying and curing methods to the latest cultivation technology, our industry experts report on everything you need to know.
Cannabis cultivation is honestly an art form. The quality of your supplies and technique directly correlate with the quality of your end product. As medical marijuana and recreational use spread across the country, more and more everyday stoners have the opportunity to legally grow their marijuana at home. Though investing in lights, soil, nutrients, and other various supplies is an upfront cost, it can be sustainable savings for those who regularly purchase marijuana from a dispensary, not to mention, a cool hobby.
First, you’ve got to lock down a spot. An indoor grow is typically the best option because you can control the climate, and outdoor weather conditions aren’t always suitable- especially year-round. Next, decide on what strain(s) you’d like to grow. Both indica and sativa can be grown indoors or outdoors in various mediums. Mediums include hydroponic growing methods like Deep Water Culture Hydroponics or Coco coir- a great start for beginners. And then you’ve got maintenance techniques to decide on, like Screen of Green (ScrOG), low-stress training, and super cropping.
Whew! Don’t get intimidated. It sounds like a lot, but we’re here to help.