Tuesday, May 7, 2024
All of my friends get high. Heck, most of my family does, too. We're a tight-knit group of cannabis consumers, but our consumption methods aren't identical. One friend will only eat her cannabis in the form of potent homemade...
Baking with cannabis is fun from beginning to the end, where it’s time to taste your concoction. As more and more states legalize cannabis, edibles have moved way beyond gummies and simple syrups. Cooking with cannabis offers various delivery...
Making edibles at home is easier than you might think. If you’re just starting out in the kitchen, cannabutter (cannabis-infused butter) is the perfect introduction. It’s simple to make, doesn’t call for tons of ingredients, and can be easily...
Are you even a real stoner if you’ve never made pot brownies? The OG of edibles has been a staple in stoner culture for decades, and it's pretty simple to make. If you’re timid in the kitchen we’re here...
Unless you’ve been living in complete isolation, you’ll notice that over the last five years or so that coconut oil has surged in popularity. Coconut oil is extracted from the kernel or meat of mature coconuts from coconut palms....
Weed cookies? Yes, please. If you’re into edibles you’ve probably feasted on a whole slew of infused goodies packaged all pretty and officially dosed out at the dispensary. After all, it’s 2020: weed is basically legal and no one’s...
There are few things in life as pleasant as a delicious dessert, especially when combined with cannabutter. You get to eat a tasty treat, and you also get a beautiful body high to boot. Introducing: Ganja Banoffee Pie, a...
Edibles during lockdown? If you’re trying to avoid lung issues, especially if you’re still working during the COVID-19 pandemic, you may want to switch to edibles for a while. The virus attacks the lungs especially, causing problems for those...
As you’re trying to stay safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, there’s lots of advice swirling around. Some of it is good, some bad, some is scary, and a little bit will make you feel better. In this case, we’re...
A few years ago, I was into juicing in a big way. I would turn pounds of fruits and veggies into a brimming cup full of nutritious liquid. While not every fruit/vegetable combo would be super tasty, I will...