Still making do with that pen-style portable vaporizer that you picked up at the head shop? As serviceable as your trusty pen vape may have been, it may be time to consider picking up a more capable and fully-featured model. If you now find yourself at this crucial juncture in your vaporizing exploits, Arizer’s Extreme Q Vaporizer is definitely worth considering.
Vaporizer-tech redefined
By most accounts, the Arizer Extreme Q is quite possibly the most useful and functional vaporizer around today. With a wealth of innovative features, unheard of at this price point, the Arizer Extreme Q offers unparalleled flexibility and versatility in a reliable and easy-to-use package. The device gives users a choice between a balloon bag and whip, so you are pretty much covered for any vaporizing method you prefer.
Full control
Those looking for a vaporizer that offers a superb degree of control definitely shouldn’t give the Arizer Extreme Q a miss. Featuring an innovative digital temperature control system that can be activated remotely, the Extreme Q delivers consistently reliable performance over a full range of temperature settings. If you have become resigned to the inconsistent performance of your cheap-o vaporizer (which so often results in uneven vaporizing and less-than-satisfactory flavor and/or potency), the Extreme Q is a definite breath of fresh air–err…vapor–in more ways than one.
Total control is clearly one of the driving principles behind the Extreme Q’s design, with an automated 3-setting fan speed that gives you minute control over the vapor density, as well as the temperature. It even shuts off automatically, ensuring that you don’t waste any more herbal material than what is necessary to ensure a totally satisfying vaporizing experience.
More than just a vaporizer
Given the wealth of innovative features available with the Arizer Extreme Q, it actually makes for a great aromatherapy and oil diffuser device as well. Unlike most other vaporizers in its price range that offer only the most basic vaporizing capabilities, the Extreme Q is a marvel of efficiency and versatility, handling a variety of applications with the greatest of ease.
Superb build quality
In terms of construction, the 4.0 version of the Extreme Q delivers every bit of the quality and excellence suggested by its innovative features. Made with the finest glass components available on the market today, the Arizer Extreme Q is built to withstand heavy use day in and day out for many years. With the high-quality glass components ensuring a rich and totally clean vapor, and the dual-wall insulated housing made of medical grade stainless steel, the Arizer Extreme Q delivers a totally satisfying vapor that is incomparable in its smoothness and flavor.
The Arizer Extreme Q can be used with dry herbs as well as concentrates in wax or oil forms. The package comes with a balloon bag and a whip attachment, so you are pretty much covered for any vaporizing task that you care to subject it to. For the money, you would be hard pressed to find a vaporizer model that delivers the same power, efficiency, and versatility as the Arizer Extreme Q.